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Pre Match Meals

Written By Justin on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 | 5:15:00 PM

I had a game last night, so shot this short little video documenting my meal preparation:

So what do you guys do for a pre-match meal? What's your favorite dish, and how long before kickoff do you prefer to eat?

Incidentally, we lost 3-0, but I was pretty pleased with how I played. Very busy night on a wet pitch.


turnbuckle said...

Interesting... Generally I prefer to have little in my stomach before a match. I usually go with things that provide some fuel with as little mass as possible. Some energy bars and the like are good, as are bananas. If it is an early morning match, I am likely to go with nothing, as I am one of those folks for whom eating first thing always feels heavy.

Justin said...

Thanks for the input Josh. I may have overstated things on the video slightly, as usually I also don't like eating much. I didn't eat much of that macaroni the other night. I always have a little nerves before kickoff, and a full stomach isn't a good combination with that.

I would love to play a morning match again. I haven't played before 9pm in ages.

JOHN said...

Good topic. I´m with Josh in that early morning matches are better played with nothing on the stomach. Since I play either at 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 or 16:00, I either don´t have anything to eat or have a fuel-rich breakfast.For 16:00 matches I have no option but to have lunch before the match, so a carb-rich meal is usually my choice (usually pasta since it´s easier to digest). However I found it extremely important to eat at least 2 hs before kickoff, since anything in your stomach during the match will only cause trouble.

Justin said...

Thanks for the thoughts, John. I agree, I sort of realized while shooting the video that it was getting late, so I didn't eat too much in the end. I normally would eat 3 or even 4 hours before kickoff.
